Incoming Associates Serve the Public Interest This Summer Through Winston’s Pro Bono Fellowship Program
August 23, 2021
Ten recent law school graduates, and soon-to-be Winston associates, spent their summer gaining hands-on experience and providing much-needed assistance to public interest law organizations serving as Winston pro bono fellows.
The incoming associates contributed more than 3,000 hours of pro bono service to the following organizations:
- Loyola University Business Law Clinic, Chicago
- Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, Charlotte
- The Bronx Defenders, New York
- California Lawyers for the Arts, Los Angeles
- Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago
- Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services, Chicago
- Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Chicago
- Illinois Federal Defender Program, Chicago
- Houston Volunteer Lawyers, Houston
- Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources, Houston
Winston & Strawn’s Public Interest Law Fellowship Program places incoming associates in positions at local public interest law organizations of their choice during the period following graduation and prior to their official start date with the firm.
Since 2011, when the firm established the Pro Bono Fellowship Program, 155 Winston fellows have contributed more than 40,000 hours to public interest law organizations.
To learn more about Winston’s pro bono practice click here.
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