Winston’s cross-practice Data Centers team has experience across all aspects of this dynamic environment, including finance, real estate, construction, energy/infrastructure, privacy and data security, regulatory, intellectual property, M&A, and private equity.
Winston’s cross-practice Data Centers team has experience across all aspects of this dynamic environment, including finance, real estate, construction, energy/infrastructure, privacy and data security, regulatory, intellectual property, M&A, and private equity.
The laws and legal issues surrounding data centers and related digital infrastructure are constantly evolving, which requires proactive and innovative legal counsel. Winston offers clients a diverse team that can assist all players—lenders, owners, operators, investors—in all phases of the data center lifecycle.
Our experience covers hyperscale, colocation, and traditional data centers and includes securing financing, acquiring real estate, protecting IP and sensitive data, advising on mergers and acquisitions, providing counsel on build-to-suit considerations, mitigating disputes, managing power and infrastructure requirements, and addressing AI risks. This ability to leverage experience from across the firm enables us to handle even the most challenging data center issues.
Representative Matters
Hear From The Team
Tony Busch explores the intersection of trade and data centers.
Tom Millar delves into the complexities of colocation arrangements and the regulatory questions they pose.
Eric Shinabarger discusses three things to keep top-of-mind when implementing and using a data center.
By the Numbers
The Data Center EcosystemExternal Resources