Attacking Claims Under Alice and Drafting Claims to Avoid It
Attacking Claims Under Alice and Drafting Claims to Avoid It
March 5, 2019
Decided in 2014, Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 573 U.S. 208, was an important Supreme Court decision regarding patent eligibility. The decision invalidated a number of patents drawn to abstract ideas implemented on a computer, but more importantly, it established a two-part test regarding claim eligibility. Since the decision, a number of Federal Circuit and district court opinions have interpreted Alice, giving us further precedent on what constitutes an abstract idea. Furthermore, the patent office itself has issued guidance to its own personnel regarding the scope of Alice.
In this webinar, members of Winston’s Patent Litigation Practice, Mike Tomasulo and J.C. Masullo, discussed ways to attack claims under Alice if you are a defendant, and strategies to avoid Alice if you are drafting claims for a client.
Contact Winston & Strawn for more information about this event.
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