Winston & Strawn Trademark Team Recognized in the WTR 1000 2024 Rankings
February 6, 2024
Winston & Strawn is once again recognized in World Trademark Review’s (WTR) 1000. The annual rankings identify the leading professionals and firms that are leaders in obtaining, protecting, managing, enforcing, and monetizing trademarks.
WTR recognized Winston’s trademark practice in California, Illinois, and New York, as well as six individual partners.
In California, partners Jennifer Golinveaux, Diana Leiden, and Becky Troutman are ranked. Co-chair of Winston’s nationally recognized Intellectual Property Practice, WTR calls Golinveaux “a smart and formidable counsel equally at home in court or advising clients on trademark prosecution strategy.” Leiden is noted for her “deep knowledge in emerging technology and internet issues.” Troutman—who has been ranked in California since 2014—is also recommended nationally this year in the WTR 1000’s inaugural transactions and licensing ranking. WTR notes that she is “a routine port-of-call for technology transactions and all IP commercialization concerns.”
In New York, Winston Vice-Chair Michael Elkin is recommended as a “skilled and experienced trial lawyer.”
In Illinois, Chicago partner Ron Rothstein is recognized as “a tenacious and dedicated litigator [who] has fought all manner of Lanham Act-related disputes.”