Pro Bono In Action
Winston Pro Bono Team Secures Critical Services for Student with Special Education Needs
Pro Bono In Action
Winston Pro Bono Team Secures Critical Services for Student with Special Education Needs
December 13, 2017
A Chicago-based Winston & Strawn pro bono team secured critical educational services for a nine-year-old boy with autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. In early 2017, the boy’s mother attended his annual Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting, where a school district removed nearly all of the few services the boy was receiving to help him obtain a meaningful education despite his disabilities. The case was referred to Winston after the boy’s mother filed a due process complaint against the school district seeking to reinstate his services. The Winston team quickly retained an expert psychologist who observed and evaluated the child, and ultimately wrote a compelling report detailing the student’s significant needs and the corresponding accommodations and services he required at school.
As the hearing approached, the team requested a settlement based on recommendations from the expert report, which included the school district transferring the child to—and paying for—a private day school that specifically serves children with complex special needs. In addition, they asked that the school district compensate the student for the education he did not adequately receive by providing him with funds for after-school tutoring or social services. After lengthy negotiations, the school district agreed to Winston’s requests and the case settled without proceeding to a hearing.
The Winston team was led by Practice Attorney Frank Battaglia.