Winston Team Led by Jeffrey Kessler and Linda Coberly Featured in Litigator of the Week Column
Winston Team Led by Jeffrey Kessler and Linda Coberly Featured in Litigator of the Week Column
March 10, 2023
A Winston & Strawn team led by Partners Jeffrey Kessler and Linda Coberly was featured in The Am Law Litigation Daily’s Litigator of the Week column on March 10, 2023.
The recognition stems from the team’s success in persuading the Second Circuit to revive Relevent Sports’ claims tied to its quest to stage games between foreign soccer clubs in the U.S. The panel found a FIFA policy prohibiting professional soccer leagues from hosting official season games outside a team’s or league’s FIFA-designated country could be direct evidence of concerted action under the U.S. antitrust laws. “Contrary to the district court’s conclusion, there is no need for Relevent to allege a prior ‘agreement to agree’ or conspiracy to adopt the policy; the adoption of the policy, combined with the member leagues’ prior agreement, by joining FIFA, to adhere to its policies, constitutes an agreement on the part of all—whether they voted in favor of the policy or not—to adhere to the announced restriction on competition,” wrote Circuit Judge Raymond Lohier. The Second Circuit also, importantly, found FIFA is subject to jurisdiction under New York’s long-arm statute.
The Winston team that worked on the matter included Partners Jonathan Amoona and Angela Smedley; Associate Adam Dale; and Paralegal Corinne Kyritsopoulos.