What Is the FDA?
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration. It is a federal agency charged with protecting the public by regulating the safety and security of drugs, biological products, veterinary medications, and medical devices. FDA responsibilities also cover the safety of: foods for U.S. consumers, cosmetics, animal feed, and radiation-emitting products. Various rules may be established and enforced by the agency in response to U.S. laws or presidential executive orders.
What Laws Are Enforced by the FDA?
The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act is an FDA-enforced law in the United States which allows for the agency’s regulation and enforcement of specific product categories. The FDA also enforces the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act to ensure that consumers have accurate content information on food, household and personal care products. FDA rules state that each label is required to honestly provide details on the product, manufacturer, and net quantity of contents.
Winston & Strawn has decades of experience representing the interests of food, beverage, and agriculture clients.