What Are PFAS?
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a class of chemicals that have been in widespread use for decades. Common uses have included waterproofing and stain-proofing in various applications in consumer products (e.g., waterproof clothing, stainproof carpeting, grease-resistant food packaging, and nonstick cookware). In an industrial setting, PFAS may be present in certain fire-fighting foams (often found at airports, military facilities, and large chemical facilities, but also might be in use at any manufacturing location) or in mist suppressants used in plating baths (primarily chrome plating). In addition to these common uses, PFAS compounds have been identified in a wide variety of products, including food and beverage products, cosmetics (including nail polish, lotions, and makeup), personal care products (including shampoo and dental floss), paints, and other coatings.
Winston & Strawn’s Environmental Practice can assist with navigating the regulations surrounding these compounds.