Mark Stull
Chief Administrative Officer
Mark is responsible for managing administrative functions of the firm including space planning, regional administration, operations, travel, vendor relationship management, docket, and records.
Chief Administrative Officer
Mark is responsible for managing administrative functions of the firm including space planning, regional administration, operations, travel, vendor relationship management, docket, and records.
Previously, Mark managed offices in four major law firms over a 30-year period. His work in those capacities included extensive budget planning, space and real estate issues, legal recruiting, staff and management training, and the assumption of other key responsibilities. Prior to his office-wide administrative work, he also has served in managerial roles in human resources, support services, and telecommunications.
Mark is a member of the Association of Legal Administrators and the Society for Human Resources Management. He previously acted as treasurer of the Capital Chapter ALA Foundation Board and as ALA Capital Chapter treasurer and chair of the Branch Office Administrators Section.
Mark received a B.A. in Management from National-Louis University in 1991.
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