Attorney Professional Development
Winston embraces a culture of learning and helps you become the best you can be.
Lisa McLafferty, Chief Talent Officer
Attorney Professional Development
Winston embraces a culture of learning and helps you become the best you can be.
Lisa McLafferty, Chief Talent Officer
Training, both formal and informal, is an essential part of an attorney’s growth. Attorneys at Winston receive tailored support throughout their career—from summer associate to partner—with a global, holistic approach that fosters innovation, a competitive edge, diversity and inclusion, and our core values.
Winston University
The Winston University Development System promotes peak performance at every stage by delivering training at optimal career points. A world-class series of legal and professional skills training programs led by Winston attorneys and industry experts, Winston University provides attorneys with a well-rounded knowledge base and practice-specific tools.
We have lots of ways that our more junior attorneys can experience and cut their teeth on real-world experiences.
Robyn Schuster,
Director of Professional Development
All attorneys at Winston have access to one-on-one coaching to help them achieve peak personal and professional performance. Winston’s Director of Coaching and Well-Being works with attorneys on a case-by-case basis to help them develop personalized career plans, expand their business skills, and develop greater emotional and physical resilience.
Career & Business Coaching
- Business development
- Leadership
- Executive presence
- Effective communication
- Time management
- Career planning & strategy
Well-Being Coaching
- Work-life management
- Stress reduction
- Meaningful relationships
- Sleep and self-care
- Exercise
- Nutrition
Coaching at its root is a process of both transformation and empowerment.
Diane Costigan,
Director of Coaching & Well-Being
Career Development
Winston’s Litigation and Transaction Departments have a dedicated Career Development Advisor who meets regularly with associates from the time they join the firm through their first few years of partnership. These advisors are dedicated to helping associates fully leverage the firm’s vast professional development resources so they can develop into well-rounded attorneys and business advisors with thriving and rewarding careers.
Attorneys at Winston benefit from both formal and informal mentoring.
Winston’s formal mentoring program is an essential component of the firm’s professional development strategy and all first-through third-year associates receive a mentor. Mid-level and senior associates can choose to participate in the program as mentors or mentees. The program is designed to help associates establish valuable connections with more senior attorneys and gain skills, knowledge, and experiences that advance their careers. Lateral associates in their first year at the firm also have the option to participate in our formal mentoring program.
The firm’s partners are deeply committed to mentoring and developing the next generation of lawyers at the firm. They are supported in this important endeavor through Winston’s Leadership Lab Apprenticeship Master Class. This unique, leading-edge course covers the latest research and best practices for motivating, mentoring, and teaching junior associates.

The extent to which partners are involved in motivating and mentoring our associates is something I think is really special at Winston.
Rebecca Landau,
Director of Talent Management
Additional Learning Resources
Financial literacy training
Diversity & Inclusion training
Technology skills training
Pro bono opportunities and training
Tailored training curriculum for associates
Benchmarks that articulate practice group expectations
Comprehensive legal writing curriculum for litigation attorneys
Access to online CLE courses and programs offered by our partner organizations