Thomas A. Reynolds, III
Let's Connect
Tom is a former assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois and a veteran of more than 20 jury trials. He concentrates his practice on commercial litigation, securities litigation, shareholder actions, fiduciary duty claims, probate litigation, and criminal law.
Tom has represented highly visible companies in major commercial cases and administrative proceedings across the country. His clients have included: NorthShore University HealthSystem; Carbon County Coal Company; FMC; Jefferson Smurfit Corporation; Gannett Co.; Gould Inc.; Multimedia Co.; Northern Trust Company; Philip Morris; Salomon Brothers; United Air Lines; VMS Realty; and Wirtz Corporation.
Along with another Winston partner, Tom secured a US$181M verdict in favor of our client, Carbon County Coal Company. He also represented United Air Lines in its successful and fiercely contested bid for authority of a Chicago-Tokyo route before the U.S. Department of Transportation.
In addition, Tom represented William W. Wirtz in a lengthy contested trust litigation proceeding involving such issues as breach of fiduciary duty, trustee removal, and dissolution of the trust. He also has represented pro bono clients in a number of guardianship matters.
In 2014, Winston’s white collar litigation attorneys in Chicago, including Tom, were named “Chicago Litigation Department of the Year” by The National Law Journal for white collar defense.
Tom is a director and member of the executive committee at Georgetown University. In addition, he serves on the boards of Big Shoulders, Lyric Opera, Brain Research Foundation, and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. He also is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
Tom received a J.D. from Emory University in 1977 and a B.S. in business administration from Georgetown University in 1974.
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