Gilles Bigot
Former managing partner of the firm’s Paris office and head of the Corporate and Health Care Departments in France, Gilles advises and defends French and European leaders such as publicly and privately managed health institutions, laboratories, professional associations, medical equipment and pharmaceutical product manufacturers, and health care practitioners. He is considered to be an architect in the health care field.
Gilles’s practice was recognized in 2024 as one of the best of the market (Legal 500 EMEA, Chambers Europe, Décideurs Stratégie Finance & Droit, Option Droit & Affaires), which covers various aspects of the health care and life science sector in a cross-disciplinary manner. His experience includes counseling matters in connection with acquisitions, transfers or restructurings, litigation matters before civil and criminal courts, arbitration matters, as well as regulatory matters related to French or European laws.
Considered as a “technically brilliant and skilled” attorney offering “outstanding client-oriented service” (Legal 500 EMEA), Gilles has developed a high-level know-how in corporate litigation, which leads him to regularly represent large French and international groups and their managers in contentious matters related to mergers and acquisitions and restructurings (e.g., finance litigation, management of conflicts between shareholders/managers, and contractual litigation).
Gilles works with major players in the health care sector. Longstanding clients such as: the French Red Cross; a leader of the medico-social sector; the Générale de Santé group; and recently the Point Vision group, the first national network of ophthalmology centers; Mutuelle Nationale Hospitalière (MNH), the first French mutual society of the health sector; and The Union (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease), that have called on the services of Winston & Strawn's teams to manage their transactional and litigation matters. He also received recognition for innovative matters such as the launch of various networks of medical biology, dentistry, ophthalmology centers and retail drugstores, which significantly improve access to health care services.
Gilles is also top of his field (advisory, pre litigation, and litigation) in French and European rules and regulations concerning data processing and transfers, as well as IT. He has litigated for and advised clients on subjects concerning big data, technology, and IT, and has yielded landmark decisions in the sector.
- Le Sommet du Droit 2025 : Health Economics - Gold Trophy
- Gilles is ranked in Chambers France 2025 for Pharma/Life Science: Corporate
- Gilles is listed as a "Leading Individual" in the Legal 500 EMEA 2024 for Industry focus: Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Best Lawyers in France®: Litigation, Biotechnology and Life Sciences Practice and Health Care Law.
Gilles is a member of Winston & Strawn’s Executive Committee, Financial Committee, Operation Committee and Compensation Committee. He is also a member of the Paris Bar (Avocat au Barreau de Paris) and a former auditor of the Institute of Advanced Studies of National Defense (IHEDN) in France. He moreover holds the title of Commander in the French Navy (Capitaine de Vaisseau) and he received the Silver Medal for Voluntary Military Services in 2014 as well as the National Defense Bronze Medal in 1984.
Gilles is a member of the Executive Board of several companies: CPH srl, Agiplast Italia srl and Castello Italia srl.
Among the best industrial expertise
The Legal 500 EMEA
He is always by our side for any questions
Chambers France 2025
Gilles received an MAITR from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and a DESS from the University of Rouen.
- Paris, France
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Publications and Speaking Engagements
- "Cybersécurité en santé: ce que les vendeurs doivent garantir, ce que les acheteurs doivent exiger", MedInTechs, March 2025
- Author, "Financiarisation" de la santé, les bienfaits d’un phénomène décrié", Décideurs Santé, January 2024
- Author, “La consolidation à grande vitesse de l’industrie française de la biologie médicale”, NextStep, April 4,2022
- Author, “Santé et Big Data : un numéro d’équilibrisme ? ”, Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit, September 6, 2021
- Interview,“Data de santé : les grands enjeux”, Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit, July 28, 2021
- Interview, “La Crise sanitaire, un tournant pour la télémédecine”, Mag des Affaires, September 1, 2020
- Author, “Les médecins ont-ils le droit de prescrire de la chloroquine ? ”, Le Point, May 12, 2020
- Interview, “Avocats : comment communiquer en période de crise ? ”, Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit, Avril 23 2020
- Interview, “Le droit et le contentieux de la santé”, Forbes France, March 10, 2020
- Author, “Construire la filière française des biothérapies innovantes”, LesEchos.fr, March 4, 2020
- Author, “Investir dans les réseaux de sante : effet de mode ou lame de fond ? ”, Décideurs Santé, 2020
- Author, “Soins de santé : pourquoi la France baisse dans les classements internationaux ?” Les Echos, January 29, 2020
- Author, “La France récolte-t-elle les fruits de sa recherche médicale ?”, LesEchos.fr, August 12, 2019
- Auteur, “Modernisation de l’exercice officinal : un traitement de choc en perspective”, LesEchos.fr, March 5, 2018
- “Roundtable, “Diversification & concentration : les acteurs du secteur de la santé à la croisée des chemins”, Décideurs, Santé, Pharmacie et Biotechnologies, February 2018
- Author, “Intelligence artificielle (IA) et santé : quel diagnostic ?”, LesEchos.fr, November 21, 2017
- Author, “Intelligence artificielle (IA) : la France en action”, LesEchos.fr, November 16, 2017
- Author, “L’e-santé, un enjeu majeur pour la Silver économie”, LesEchos.fr, Juilly 11, 2017
- Author, “La concurrence au chevet de notre système de santé”, LesEchos.fr, March 28, 2017
- Author, “E-santé : les défis de la régulation face à l'innovation”, LesEchos.fr, January 24, 2017
- Author, “Public authorities need to engage in e-health”, Le Cercle des Echos, May 13, 2016
- Author, “Consumption of medical care and goods: always more ?”, Le Cercle des Echos, April 21, 2016
- Author, “The globalization of health care: a challenge for France”, Le Cercle des Echos, April 6, 2016
- Author, “A crisis broke out”, Risques Magazine n°105, March 2016
- Author, “Deregulation: the future of our health care system,” Le Cercle des Echos, February 23, 2016
- Author, “Hospitals versus Paris Attacks,” Le Cercle des Echos, January 27, 2016
- Roundtable, “Attractiveness of the health sector: obstacles and opportunities for investors,” Décideurs Stratégie Finance Droit, December 16, 2015
- Author, “Healthcare Is a Sector That Continues to Attract Investors,” The Deal, December 14, 2015
- Author, “France does not benefit enough from its R&D,” Le Cercle des Echos, November 27, 2015
- Author, “Personalized medecine : toward a new health care culture,” Le Cercle des Echos, November 13, 2015
- Received the Silver Award at the “Plumes de l'économie et du droit” ceremony in the category “Articles combining legal and economic issues – mainstreem press.” This ceremony rewards the best press articles written by legal and financial experts
- Author, “The Personal Genomics Revolution,” Le Cercle des Echos, September 28, 2015
- Interview, “Le Monde du Droit,” September 21, 2015
- Author, “Healthcare in France/what are the areas of public/private cooperation?” Le Cercle des Echos, July 16, 2015
- Author, “Health care: a sector that keeps attracting investors,” Le Cercle des Echos, June 18, 2015
- Author, “Health care market: profit is not a disease,” Les Echos, June 1st, 2015
- Author of several articles published in specialist legal magazines (Option Droit & Affaires, Décideurs stratégie finance et droit, etc.)
- Co-author, “La RSE: enjeu majeur pour l’entreprise,” Option Droit & Affaires, April 30, 2014
March 26, 2024