Pro Bono
Winston has a strong culture of active and engaged participation in pro bono service.
Greg McConnell, Chief Pro Bono Officer
Pro Bono
Winston has a strong culture of active and engaged participation in pro bono service.
Greg McConnell, Chief Pro Bono Officer
Innovative and active engagement in pro bono is a hallmark of Winston & Strawn and we have a longstanding commitment to excellence in serving the public interest.
Winston was among the first law firms to implement essential, foundational pro bono initiatives, which include:
- Establishing a pro bono committee in 1984
- Adopting a written pro bono policy in 1991
- Becoming one of 45 signatory firms to the Pro Bono Institute’s Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge in 1993
- Hiring a full-time pro bono counsel in 2002
Today, Winston’s pro bono practice is managed by a dedicated team of five full-time attorneys.
A critical component of the firm’s commitment to pro bono excellence is senior management’s expectation for every lawyer and paralegal to devote at least 35 hours to pro bono service each year. Winston also allows associates to count 100 hours towards their annual billable hours goal and unlimited credit towards a high hours bonus.
For the past six years, Winston has ranked as a top 15 firm on The American Lawyer Pro Bono Scorecard. In 2024, 100% of U.S. attorneys contributed 20 hours of pro bono service. Firmwide, Winston attorneys and business professionals devoted 67,000+ hours to pro bono matters.
Winston’s Pro Bono Committee is comprised of partners, associates, and business professionals throughout the firm who are committed to excellence in serving the public interest.

Winston’s pro bono work brings our firm’s longstanding values and culture of service to life.
Angela A. Smedley, Winston Pro Bono Committee Chair
Pro Bono Committee
Winston & Strawn Fellowship Program
Created in 2011, the Winston & Strawn Fellowship Program places incoming associates in positions at local public interest law organizations of their choice during the period following graduation and prior to their official start date at the firm. The program was created to provide participating associates an opportunity to gain hands-on legal experience, and also provide much needed service to public interest law organizations.
Recognizing the special role that lawyers play in serving critical needs in their communities, Winston & Strawn created our Racial Justice and Equity CEASE Initiative in 2020 and we pledged 100,000 pro bono hours to advance racial equity. This pledge represents a $50 million investment over five years.
Recognizing the special role that lawyers play in serving critical needs in their communities, Winston & Strawn created our Racial Justice and Equity CEASE Initiative in 2020 and we pledged 100,000 pro bono hours to advance racial equity. This pledge represents a $50 million investment over five years.
Winston Pro Bono: It Matters
Winston’s 2024 Pro Bono Commitment and Impact
67,000+ Hours Contributed by Attorneys and Professional Staff
27% of Pro Bono Hours Were Spent on Racial Justice & Equity Matters
1,000+ Clients Served
66 Average Hours per Lawyer Spent on Pro Bono Matters
97% of Lawyers Firmwide Contributed 20 or More Hours
No. 15 on the American Lawyer National Pro Bono Scorecard
No. 19 on the American Lawyer International Pro Bono Scorecard
No. 15 on Law360’s Pro Bono Ranking of Large Law Firms