Patent Litigation
Our Patent Litigation Practice is one of the country’s most active and highly regarded. Our seasoned patent litigators bring extensive courtroom experience to every matter we handle. According to Lex Machina, we are among the top three national patent defense firms in the country for number of appearances and cases filed, and we also were the top national defense firm for number of patent trials in the last five years (2018–2022).
In its most recent IAM Patent 1000 survey (2023), IAM described our team as “laser-focused on securing significant wins” and selected us as one of only 11 gold-tier patent litigation practices in the United States. IAM has honored our firm in this way each year since the inception of its survey. Chambers USA also included our IP practice among the handful of firms ranked nationally, specifically recognizing our patent litigation team for our “formidable range of first-chair attorneys,” and our “ability to handle complex, sophisticated matters.”
Areas of Focus
“The group shines the brightest when competitors are facing off over cornerstone technologies.”
Ranked Tier 1 Nationally in Litigation - Patent
“...a formidable range of first-chair attorneys, prized for its trial capabilities before the ITC and PTAB.”
100+ ANDA cases in the last five years (2018–2022), more than any other national law firm
Kathi Vidal Featured in World Intellectual Property Review Highlighting Ongoing Work to Empower Women Leaders
Kathi Vidal Discusses Winston & Strawn Amicus Brief Filed in Ollnova v. Ecobee With Managing IP