Lawrence “Larry” Block
Larry has significant experience in government contract consultation and litigation. His practice sees him handling significant bid protests before the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Court of Federal Claims, as well as internal and external investigations.
Key Matters
Some of the experience represented below may have been handled at a previous firm.
- Advise recipient of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) OECD grant from inception, including advice of negotiation with DOE, budgeting, developing and implementing compliance program and procurement forms and policies, and providing daily advice
- Obtained corrective action after filing a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) pre-award protest related to a multi-billion-dollar health care procurement
- Successfully defended award to client of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contract for implementation and subscription services
- Handled mandatory disclosure and subsequent resolution of a Department of Defense Office of Inspector General and U.S. Department of Justice investigation
- Represented large managed care organization (MCO) in successful bid protest and defended against multiple bid protests at the District of Columbia Contract Appeals Board (DC CAB) allowing MCO to obtain a 5-year contract award worth US$8.83B
- Advise recipient of DOE grant for construction of a battery materials processing and manufacturing facility to develop and implement compliance program
- Defended MCO in multiple proceedings at the Superior Court for the District of Columbia, resulting in the denial of request for preliminary injunction and expedited hearings
- Obtained post-award corrective action by civilian agency resulting from GAO bid protest for a contract valued over US$300M
- Provided regulatory counsel to wholly-owned subsidiary of a construction company in an acquisition valued at approximately US$173M
- Lead counsel for large defense contractor in bid protests at the GAO and Court of Federal Claims (COFC) involving the US$81B LOGCAP procurement resulting in corrective action ordered by the COFC
- Conducted internal investigation of life sciences company related to violations of the Service Contract Act
- Advise recipient of DOE loan for construction of a lithium battery recycling plan facility to develop a Davis-Bacon Act compliance program, including managing flow down requirements to general contractor and subcontractors
- Successfully settled a Whistleblower Reprisal Action brought by a former employee against a health care solutions company
- Represented company in suspension/debarment proceeding resulting in no action taken by federal agency
- Advised private equity fund in connection with its platform acquisition of a software company
- Represented a software company in an US$800M merger
- Lead counsel for a GAO bid protest resulting in corrective action involving a contract valued at over US$270M
- Assist multiple non-profit federal grant recipients with developing subrecipient and subcontractor template agreements, including all regulatory and contractual flow down requirements
- Lead counsel for an IT company involving an internal investigation, negotiation and settlement of a False Claims Act case
- Lead counsel for two internal investigations and False Claims Act cases for large defense contractor
- Successfully challenged the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s failure to properly evaluate actual risks posed by a software company’s competitor in a solicitation valued at well over US$100M
- Obtained a complete victory for a software company, helping company retain a US$115M government contract
- Successfully submitted a post-award bid protest on behalf of a software company arguing that the Agency performed an unreasonable cost-realism analysis
- Filed successful GAO bid protest on behalf of a health care device company against unduly restrictive specifications and patent ambiguities in Department of Veterans Affairs Requests for Quotations
- Filed amicus briefs before the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit on behalf of health-insurer-petitioners
- Advised aviation company in its acquisition of an advanced data organization and of flight simulation technology
- Lead counsel for large defense contractor successfully challenging the State Department’s unauthorized disclosure of the company’s trade secrets documents to a competitor
- Filed a complaint and a motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction alleging violations of the Administrative Procedures Act and the Trade Secrets Act against the United States Department of State, and other named officials on behalf of a private military contractor
- Secured opportunity to compete for US$300M Air Force contract for an American private military contractor
- Successfully protested the award of a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contract after a business management consulting company was not selected for award of the contract
- Successfully convinced the Federal Bureau of Investigation to change the terms of a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for a government contract to the benefit of an IT service management company
- Won bid protest for awardee of a multi-million dollar laundry and dry cleaning services contract for the Department of Army
- Represented a manufacturing company in reaching a definitive stock purchase agreement
- Filed a bid protest for an IT service management company challenging the award of a US$2B Department of Energy (DOE) IT contract to a competitor
- Assisted a financial consultant firm on all government contracts and health care regulatory issues associated with the acquisition of a government contractor providing technical and professional resources to the Armed Forces and International Emergency Response Teams
- Closed three consecutive deals for a start-up seeking to perform close air support training for the U.S. military
- Defeated a motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) and obtained dismissal of federal lawsuit against a large real estate company
- Obtained a significant legal victory and changed District of Columbia law through persistent and targeted outreach to the District Government (Mayor’s Office, OAG and D.C. Council) on behalf of a technology solutions company
- Successfully defeated a bid protest filed against an IT service management company involving a US$75M contract
- Obtained a multi-million award in favor of a law firm after an Inspector General published a baseless “Inspection Report” accusing the firm of fraud and breach of fiduciary duty
- Secured a win for a software company in pre-award bid protesting the terms of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) request for quotes
- Represented bidder and eventual awardee on an NAICS Code protest at the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals and subsequent GAO bid protest for a US$900M Air Force intelligence contract
- Represented State Department contractor at Court of Federal Claims to successfully overturn a “severely flawed” US$17M award contract involving issues of past performance, disparate treatment, and improper cost/technical trade-offs
- Represented not-for-profit organization in successful bid protest at the D.C. Contract Appeals Board involving youth services
- Represented defense contractor in successfully defending and prosecuting separate bid protests at the GAO and Court of Federal Claims resulting in an award of a contract in excess of US$100M to our client and a sole source award in excess of US$25M
- Represented VA contractor at Court of Federal Claims in successfully challenging contracting officer’s decision to move requirements to AbilityOne Procurement List
- Represented NIH contractor at Court of Federal Claims in challenging solicitation’s failure to set aside contract for small businesses and resulting in agency corrective action
- Represented manufacturer of flight simulators in successful GAO bid protest
- Represented medical transportation provider in successful state-level bid protest
- Represented state of Arizona in defending US$1.2B health care contract award
- Orchestrated simultaneous prejudgment attachments in Maryland and D.C. of real property valued in excess of US$25 million owned by the Republic of Argentina. The client held US$172M in defaulted Argentinean bonds. The case involved issues of first impression regarding sovereign and diplomatic immunity.
- Represented the chapter 11 trustee of a security guard company in pursuit of government contract and malpractice claims