Jason Goldstein
Let's Connect
By building lasting relationships, Jason has earned the respect of national leaders in arena and stadium development as well as real estate finance. His collaborative approach to working with his clients enables all parties involved in the transactional matters he leads to achieve their commercial goals. Jason also has significant experience handling all aspects of complex financing and real estate transactions.
Key Matters
Some of the experience represented below may have been handled at a previous firm.
- Negotiation of temporary and permanent use agreements for a national sports franchise pursuing a relocation
- The lenders with a US$250M senior secured facility established to provide a portion of the private funding necessary to construct a new arena in a major metropolitan area to be used primarily by an NBA franchise
- The lenders with the private bank financing for construction of a new stadium in a major metropolitan area involving total financing sources of US$1.8B. The financing includes capital from a combination of public and private financing and equity, as well as NFL financing in the form of a loan repaid by stadium revenues
- A specialty finance company in a US$227M mortgage loan secured by 21 hotel properties in 13 states constituting a portion of the Equity Inns portfolio
- A specialty finance company in a US$185M mortgage loan secured by an 831,000-square-foot warehouse-style office building in Chicago’s West Loop