Life at Winston
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23 results
March 24, 2025
|1 min read
Winston Senior Associates Gather in Chicago for Leadership Training
Winston’s sixth-year associates in the United States and Europe attended a two-day leadership conference in Chicago.
January 13, 2023
|1 min read
European Associates Come Together for Talent Development Seminar
On January 13, 2023, Winston & Strawn associates from the firm’s London and Paris offices came together in Paris for the European Talent Development Seminar.
October 25, 2019
|1 min read
Winston Presents Professionalism Day Panel to University of Illinois 1Ls
Our Chicago office welcomed a large contingent of the first-year law students attending the University of Illinois College of Law for a panel discussion with our attorneys on October 10 as part of the College’s 2019 Professionalism Day.
October 4, 2019
|2 min read
New Associate Orientation Provides Tools for Success
Winston hosted 73 associates from the firm’s U.S. and Europe offices for 2019 Jumpstart Orientation held in our Chicago office. The three-day orientation included a mix of professional skills trainings and networking activities, each specifically designed to give our new associates the tools they need to succeed in their first years at Winston.
February 21, 2019
|1 min read
Winston Hosts Judicial Clerk Receptions in Chicago and New York
A substantial portion of Winston’s practice focuses on litigation, and our appellate and critical motions practice is nationally renowned. We actively seek out former and prospective judicial clerks to join our firm, and the experience and knowledge gained while on clerkships is highly valued by the firm and our clients.
December 13, 2018
|2 min read
Orientation for Newly Elevated Partners Sets Foundation for Success
The firm’s newly elected partners, together with those attorneys who recently joined the partner ranks from outside Winston and those promoted to local partner outside the United States, attended Newly Elevated Partner Orientation on December 11. This program is a key component of Winston University, which provides world-class training at every career stage.
June 25, 2018
|1 min read
Top 10 Secrets of Success from Winston & Strawn Hiring Committee Co-Chair Bill O’Neil
Winston & Strawn Hiring Committee Co-Chair William O’Neil authored “Top 10 Secrets of Success from a Partner,” an article featured in Lexis Practice Advisor’s 2018 Summer Survival Guide. In the article, Bill offers practical tips for BigLaw summer associates as they embark on one of the most important jobs in their career.
June 13, 2018
|1 min read
Summer Program Features Diverse 1L Roundtable
The talented diverse 1Ls participating in Winston’s 2018 summer associate program engaged in a day of targeted programming during a Diverse 1L Roundtable on June 12 in New York.
March 16, 2018
|1 min read
Winston Presents Lively ‘Litigation vs. Transactional Practice’ Panel at Berkeley
Firm members enjoyed meeting and sharing their insights with the 50 Berkeley law students who joined us on March 13 for a Winston-provided lunch and panel discussion titled, “Choose Your Own Practice Area Adventure: Litigation v. Transactional.”
March 2, 2018
|1 min read
Talent Team Launches Reimagined Mentoring Program
Winston was excited to introduce a fresh take on associate mentoring to the 278 mentee/mentor pairs participating in the firm’s 2018-2019 program.
January 12, 2018
|1 min read
Dallas Attorneys Make Strong Impression with SMU 1Ls
Winston was invited to present a panel on “Launching Your Career – Legal Interviewing” at SMU Dedman School of Law during a Career Foundations & Professional Development program held on January 10.
January 10, 2018
|2 min read
Chicago Recognizes Its 2017 Mentors of the Year
The Chicago office celebrated another large class of “Mentor of the Year” award nominees during a luncheon reception on December 21.
November 29, 2017
|1 min read
Winston Takes Care and Gives Back
The firm’s Human Resources Department in several of our U.S. offices held Winston Care Wednesdays throughout the month of November to provide firm members with opportunities to focus on personal well-being and to give back in meaningful ways.
October 31, 2017
|1 min read
Winston D&I Director Co-Chairs BLSA Program at Duke
Winston’s Director of Diversity & Inclusion Sylvia James, a Duke University School of Law alum, spoke to members of Duke’s Black Law Students Association (BLSA) on October 25. This event was part of Duke BLSA’s Professional Development Leadership Program that Sylvia currently co-chairs.
September 29, 2017
|1 min read
Dallas Office Launches Attorney Mentoring Program
Winston’s Dallas office, which opened in February 2017, officially launched its attorney mentoring program with a kickoff event on September 25.
February 7, 2017
|1 min read
New York Office Hosts Annual Judicial Clerk Reception
Evening Bar at the Smyth Hotel was the setting for Winston’s annual judicial clerk reception hosted by litigators in the firm’s New York office on February 7.
November 23, 2015
|less than 1 min read
New York Associates Host Networking Event at Skylark
Associates from the New York office hosted a client networking event on November 11 at The Skylark.
October 12, 2015
|1 min read
New Associates Mix Work and Fun at Annual Orientation
A new crop of smart and spirited associates has officially joined the Winston team from law schools and clerkships across the country. After a week-long orientation that was part bonding and part training, our 2015 associate class donned their Winston caps, posed for one last group photo, and set off for their careers at the firm.
April 16, 2015
|1 min read
February 10, 2015
|2 min read